Becoming an Animal Punks NFT Holder #3.
Becoming an Animal Punks NFT Holder #3.
V1, the Ethereum-based pixel of the Metamask account.
Kaikas account's Clayton-based cartoon style, V2.
I was a member of the raccoon's animal club.
The members of the animal club are cute, right? Whenever it's listed, we're recruiting animal members. ^^
I'm proud of it. The price of V1 is too low, but the gas bill is crazy.
V2 has a huge increase in floor prices due to the passage of mixed token distribution governance to DSC partners.
It's hot... I should have recruited more animal members for V2. We did... But we're still recruiting. ^^
※ ( #Collaborate with Doji Sound Club MIX Token Distribution Governance Orientation! congratulations!
Animals punks!! Dogesoundclubs! ♥
Animal punk, let's mine MIX tokens !!
Make me a baby animal punk, too !!
Make me a baby animal punk, too !!
When the market is confused.
In this way, he became an Animal Punks NFT collector.
It started with a free airdrop event. I think it's the cutest nft.
2 weeks ago, the volume and floor price... Look...Volume and floor price increase...
Out of the Clayton chains,
Following DSC, the first place, the volume of transactions gradually increased and took second place.
Currently, it is in fourth place.
klayton NFT is drawing attention!! Good news!
The activation of the Animal Punk community is amazing!
KakaoTalk are fun, and there are various events, so it is fun as a holder.
Han Jaeseon, please leave a comment on Twitter.
(If possible, please retweet!)
If selected, it can be included in the clip. Haha
I'm more attached to Apeng because it's my first time putting my interest in NFT into action.
▼ It's Animal Punk's website. ▼
The homepage has been refurbished!
If you go into AnimalsPunksV1, it looks like the picture below.
Welcome to the animal club!
10,000 randomly generated Animal Punks
You can still find some animal funks equivalent to 0.01 ETH.
This is an animal club where all animals are cold!
I hope you enjoy it! Our animals like smoking, chilling, and making new friends.
It is an exclusive collection of 5,000 animal punks.
Punk's assets continue to be unlocked. There is a locked attribute. The properties of the initial puncture become rare.
It's designed like this.
This project pays tribute to the original CryptoPunks project. We are not affiliated with Larva Labs.
1. We pay back to our mom.
2. We're releasing Hyperanimal.
10 Hyper animals are airdroped to any animal owner.
3. We will help animal shelters around the world.
4. We will start collaborating with community members to create physical and transformed Mutch and wearables.
5. My last dream is to make an animal cartoon series.
We don't know how or when it will happen. We just know that we will make it happen.
If you go into AnimalsPunksV2, you will see the picture below.
Animalpunk V2 through Kakao Talk emoticons? Hurry up and come out!
a kind project to donate, too!
OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace
You can search for Animals Punks or you can ride the link below.
Animal punk can be traded at OpenC.
★As of 21/10/21, there are about 1,200 left for the V2 listing.★
Sales were decided by random offer beading lottery.
A small random offer will be sold on the 21st.
The management is having a hard time. Please cheer for us!
It's a lottery sales method through random numbers.
Animal Punks have V1 and V2.
V1 : Pixel NFT that can be traded with Ethereum.
V2 : Cartoon-style NFT that can be traded on Clayton.
V1 : Pixel NFT that can be traded with Ethereum.
Animals Punks - Collection | OpenSea
[]( Welcome to the Animals Club!🎉 5,000 unique AnimalPunks randomly generated You can still find a few Animals Punks for 0.01 ETH. This is the Animals club where all the Animals are chill ! Hope you will enjoy it! Our Animals like smoking cigarette...
V2 : Cartoon-style NFT that can be traded on Clayton.
Animals Punks has partnered with DSC (Province Sound Club) so-called Gaeri.
- Event schedule. -September 29th, around dinner time, 2000~2200 times. Listing.At 9pm on September 29th, Cheongmyo-nim Guerrilla Event (Prize: V2 Angelling Forecast)September 30th 8pm-10pm Discord v2 #3333 Angel Rabbit seat lottery airdrop ★★★★★#33333 was traded for 3000KL and the holder is holding it. Haha
10월 4일 오후 6시부터 4000번대까지 리스팅 되었습니다.
다음 히든드랍은 입니다. ★★★★★
악마호랑이는 애니멀즈펑크 홀더대상으로 이벤트가 진행될 예정이며, V1 또는 V2를 2개이상 보유중인 홀더만 참여할 수 있습니다 :)#6666 Devil went to the winner of the event and was not traded.
Except for Reverse, the rest of Hidden Apeng will be airdrop through events in the community.
Please show a lot of interest in the community!
↓ On my way to the community. ↓
Occasional Gifticon events by Animals Punks (Kingpa Chups, Hamberg, Vita 500 nyang) and
V2 event, friendship, and holders, come into the chat room and join us.^^ The management team is just funny and witty!
Kakao Talk is the hottest!
▼ LINK ▼
AnimalsPunks Open Chat Room
#AnimalsPunks #애펑 #애니멀즈펑크즈 #애니멀스펑크스 #AP #애니멀펑크 #애니멀 #펑크 #Animal #punk
Join the Animals Punks Discord Server!
AnimalspunksNFT – Medium
OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace